Monday, April 7, 2008


Monkey-hunters use a box with an opening at the top, big enough for the monkey to slide its hand in. Inside the box are nuts. The monkey grabs the nuts and now its hand becomes a fist. The monkey tries to get its hand out but the opening is big enough for the hand to slide in, but too small for the fist to come out. Now the monkey has a choice, either to let go off the nuts and be free forever or hang on to the nuts and get caught. Guess what it picks every time? You guessed it. He hangs on to the nuts and gets caught.

We are no different from monkeys. We all hang on to some nuts that keep us from going forward in life. We keep rationalizing by saying, "I cannot do this because . . ." and whatever comes after "because" are the nuts that we are hanging on to which are holding us back. Successful people don't rationalize. Two things determine if a person will be a success: reasons and results.
Reasons don't count while results do...


  1. it really forced me to think why i generally procractinate...

    Thanks dude ..

    it really helped me a lot...

    all the stories have their specific meaning which teaches us a lot of things.

    i would also recommend this blog to my friends..

    thanks a lot again....

  2. Really greate reading this story i recalled a story in our class 12 ....he says that this whole world is like a big rat trap and the things in this world are like baits in the rat trap

  3. According to me, it gave even great conclusion then mentioned over here... We are bound by our own likes and dislikes... likes and dislikes are nuts and we are monkeys, if we have likes and dislikes then we are trapped in the hand of Nature, the monkey-hunters...

    Nature will trap us in the circumstances according to our likes and dislikes and we feel we got trapped... if we release the our own beliefs and mix with each and everyone's beliefs without getting actually attached from within, then nature will not come in between our way and will lead to actual independence...

  4. realy I like it. too.You are righ way Everything is good..........

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